~ Gabriela Mistral, Chilean Nobel Prize Winner, Poet, and School Teacher wrote:
“Many things can wait; children cannot. Today, their bones are being formed, their blood is being made, their senses being developed. To them we cannot say ‘tomorrow.’ Their name is ‘today.”
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Each child has unique gifts and talents, and our approach to instruction builds on that. Our low student:teacher ratio allows us to provide individualized attention, including for scholars who are learning English (ELLs), are academically at-risk, or have disabilities. We also provide tutoring to scholars who need it.

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By teaching scholars grit and tenacity, we prepare our scholars for college and the modern world. By helping our scholars develop a strong sense of self and a deep moral compass, we help them become responsible citizens in school and in life.

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Our Mission Statement says it best: “Every scholar at CAPS will be prepared to excel in and graduate from one of the top colleges or universities in the nation.” And it doesn’t stop with high school graduation and acceptance into college: we work hard to make sure that our students make it thru high school and thru college.

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We seek to uplift the communities we serve by bringing high-quality education where there previously was limited access and where college graduation rates may have been low. By dramatically increasing the number of college graduates, we hope that many of our scholars will graduate from college and return to their communities with increased passion and resources.

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Our instruction thoroughly integrates STEAM principles. It also teaches the foundations of computer science and coding so that our scholars are prepared for future technology that doesn’t even exist yet. Our Virtual Learning academies provide students a rich, tech-oriented learning experience.

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